Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Movie Review - Rock Jocks

I've been digging through a backlog of indie titles and came across this sci fi piece, and given the premise and cast I thought it was at least worth a look.  So does Rock Jocks rock?

Rock Jocks sees John (Andrew Bowen) called up to go to work when he is meant to be heading out with his son to watch a meteor shower.  We soon find out he works at a top secret facility that uses orbital lasers to shoot down asteroids that are a threat to Earth.  The facility, that was set up in the sixties after the alien who crash landed at Roswell informs the government that a planet destroying asteroid is on it's way, has seen steady budget cuts and on this particular evening a bureaucrat is on hand to re-assess the operation.

Okay, straight up, Rock Jocks is a geek movie.  There are plenty of geek culture references and each character is essentially a different stereotype.  Some of these work, while others are just plain annoying.  Most of the action either takes place in bunker style corridors or the control room which is reminiscent of dodgy sixties science fiction films, but considering this takes place in a facility that has seen very little improvement in 40 years that kind of works.  There is also occasional visits to the two bored security guards, which essentially boil down to "hey look, Jason Mewes is in this movie!"

I don't want you to think it is all cheap and dodgy though.  Despite the characters being very one dimensional (and one being really, really annoying) and swearing like a truckie with 9 flat tires there are some good scenes and funny dialogue which a movie like this has to rely on.  We even get to see some frantic, if predictable, action towards the climax which helps keep tedium at bay.

All up Rock Jocks is a fraction above average.  Just entertaining enough to be enjoyable, but ultimately pretty forgettable.  There are certainly worse ways to kill 90 minutes.

In a word - okay.  (I honestly can't think of anything clever to put here)

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