Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Australia Has The Highest Percentage Of Breaking Bad Piracy... YAY!

Australians Pirate Breaking Bad More Than Any Other Country - The Escapist

Well now that the latest season of Game of Thrones is over it looks like us Aussies need to find another televisual outlet to shamelessly obtain using questionable methods.

Yep, a recent data mining exercise by TorrentFreak showed Australian's were responsible for 16.1% of downloads for Breaking Bad's final season.  The US is only slightly behind us at 16% but when you consider the difference in population between us and the United States (approx 303.8 million vs 20.6 million in 2008) that means by applying some dodgy maths we are talking around a 15% higher proportion of Australians.

Why would this be the case?  Well I'm so glad you asked.

Now the distributors would be quick to point out that within hours of Breaking Bad screening in America it is available in Australia, but when you check the fine print that is only if you are a Foxtel subscriber or use iTunes.  That would be okay but not everyone wants to pay $100 a month for the Foxtel package that includes the channel that let's you watch this fine drama or you have the appropriate iSetup to watch your iEpisodes on your iTV!

Of course the distributors will see this as an excuse to try to lock content down more securely and stop this torrent of torrenting instead of a wake up call and a great opportunity.  Many heavy TV downloaders are doing this because they love the show and season box sets of TV shows are big business in Australia.  By offering an online subscription service at a reasonable price that is compatible with most TV connected media devices then they will make a mint and people will still buy the box sets when they are released.

Australia is no longer geographically isolated thanks to the internet.  Drip feeding us content at premium prices with restricted distribution just doesn't work anymore.

I know this will not eliminate piracy but it will damn well reduce it!

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