Sunday, August 18, 2013

eBook DRM Strikes Again

Remember when Amazon responded to the loss of digital distribution rights to George Orwell's 1984 and Animal by remotely deleting already purchased copies from customers Kindle enabled devices?  Well it looks like the wonderful restrictions of eBook DRM also apply to purchased from Google Play's book store.

Whilst travelling one Jim O'Donnell noticed that upon visiting Singapore his Google Play Books app had updated and was suggesting he update his eBook files.  Instead of updating it progressively deleted all his books including a couple he was actively reading for teaching purposes.  Of course he attempted to re download his purchased items only to be told that the service was not available in the region he was currently in.  As a result, he could not access his legitimately purchased content.

Okay, I accept that accessing digital content involves agreeing to licensing conditions to satisfy not only the seller of the content but also the rights holders of the content itself.  But seriously, once purchased and downloaded the app should not care if you move into an area where the content is not licensed.  By blatantly shoving consumers noses into the fact they have no ownership right to the content they have spent their hard earned cash on, well you are just pushing more people away or forcing them to investigate methods of removing restrictive DRM, pushing them to other providers or inspiring them to track down pirated copies of your content.

So Google, Amazon and all other digital content providers, try respecting your customer because at the end of the day they are paying the money that allows you to continue providing your services.

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