Wednesday, July 10, 2013

GTA V Gets One BIG Gameplay Trailer

Rockstar have released a very interesting trailer for the upcoming installment of the GTA series breaking down gameplay options and just some of the additional activities available in game.

Man, this looks epic.  Watch it now because I am going to be talking about stuff in the trailer okay.

Good now?  Excellent.

First up I think the most interesting feature is the ability to plan heists in advance to allow for very different approaches.  This is a genius move since it adds a heap of replayability and I'm sure there will be direct effects on subsequent gameplay (eg escape options, level of police response) and without a doubt there will be consequences further down the track relating to the choices you've made.  Come on, what game doesn't have a "moral choice" system in play?  At least in GTA V it'll be based on different types of illicit underhanded shenanigans rather than if you are super nice vs super nasty.

Secondly, this looks massive.  I think the sheer amount of area to cover is even bigger than Red Dead Redemption (but I'm pretty sure you can cover ground faster using a sports car or airplane than on a horse). Add to that the various options available outside of the story missions and it appears this game could reward those willing to invest serious time in uncovering just what is available.  The scuba diving particularly intrigues me and I am sure there are plenty of weird things to discover.  I do hope however that the extra stuff doesn't include any rehash of "Hey cousin, come hang out with me at American Bar where we can see American Boobies" style of relationship building with the various characters ala GTA IV.  Seriously, that stuff got annoying super fast.

And finally, let's not forget that this all happens in the state of Los Santos, originally introduced back in GTA San Andreas which remains a firm favourite amongst fans of the series.  I'm pretty sure I saw a few dudes in Grove Street Family colours hanging around the hood.  Could we possibly be seeing a cameo from the "hero" of GTA: SA, the one and only CJ?

There is much more I'd like to discuss/speculate on just from the above trailer alone, especially with that multiplayer teaser at the end, but I think I'll wait for more solid information before diving any deeper.  I think it is safe to say that the series is getting back some of that extra fun that was lacking from the brown shaded grimy crime fest that was GTA IV.  Fingers crossed that GTA V is as good as it looks because what I've seen so far looks amazing.

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