Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Nolan North Gets Meta In Saints Row 4

Saints Row IV Stars Nolan North as Himself - The Escapist

Okay for those who don't know who Nolan North is, basically if you have played any major game titles in recent years you have heard this guy.  From the Uncharted series to Assassin's Creed and (rather infamously) a number of characters in Mafia 2 - seriously, there are sections in that game with this guy is carrying out three part conversations with himself.

It typical Saints Row style you won't just be choosing him as one of the voice options, no.  Instead of Mr North just reading out the dialogue you will instead be playing the main character AS Nolan North.  Number 3 in the series had a separate zombie option, so I guess this is kind of a natural progression.

You know it is good to see one of the more prolific actors in video games getting some extra recognition and should I pick up the latest installment of Saints Row I think I'll have a seperate save for the Nolan North run through.

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