Thursday, October 3, 2013

Australian's On Top (of Breaking Bad)

Breaking Bad Finale Sees Australians Beat The World At Piracy... Again - Gizmodo Australia

I know it's been a while since my last post, so I thought it would be appropriate to report on a story that also relates to one of the reasons I have been so slack.

For all those out there how don't know (yes, both of you) Breaking Bad's final ever episode screened earlier this week and despite it being fast tracked to Australia via Foxtel we still managed to be the biggest trackable downloaders of this fine show.

Australians counted for 20% of the world's public torrent downloads.  That's right, a country with roughly 0.3% of this planet's population managed to account for one fifth of the traffic on this show.  Could it be that maybe not everyone wants to pay the $120+ a month for the package that will give you access to this show?

Mind you having fairly recently gotten into this show myself I can see why those without ready access would be keen to grab the final episode as soon as possible.  I am almost to the end of the third season and can't wait to see what happens next, so on that note I'll leave you with the following alternative version while I go fire up Netflix...

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