Monday, September 16, 2013

Netflix Is More Popular Than Piracy Because Piracy

For a while now Netflix traffic has been exceeding bittorrent traffic in North America and showing it is possible to compete with free. A principle reason is that it provides a service at a decent price that is easier than piracy, but could there be something else.

At the launch of Netflix Netherlands the head of content acquisition Kelly Merryman has come right out and said they look at the most popular targets for piracy and then see if they can acquire the rights. Obviously there are some shows that the current right holders don't want to share with anybody else *cough* Game Of Thrones *\cough * but the sheer popularity of the service and its impact on piracy on its home turf shows they are onto something.

Of course for markets where Netflix is not available it really is a moot point, hence why shows like the aforementioned Game Of Thrones and Breaking Bad are downloaded mercilessly in Australia.

With content for Australia being either locked up in exclusivity deals or simply not being made available what can you do?

I'll just leave this here.

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