Thursday, September 5, 2013

Movie Review - We're The Millers

We're The Millers is a "let's force a bunch of very different misfits together" style comedy.  It is also Jennifer Aniston's latest "I'm a sex symbol, really" vehicle.  So do the laughs add up?

David Clark (Jason Sudeikis), a small time pot dealer, gets robbed of his takings so to fix up the debt with his supplier he needs to bring back a shipment of marijuana from Mexico.  Realising that he'd be stopped at the border he forms a fake family with his stripper neighbour Rose (Jennifer Aniston), local runaway Casey (Emma Roberts) and abandoned kid Kenny (Will Poulter) for a pretend RV vacation to avoid suspicion.  Crazy shenanigans ensue.  Laugh! I almost did.

It is amazing how this movie consistently just misses the mark with the majority of its humour.  I found myself actually wanting to enjoy it more just by the sheer fact it was trying so hard to get a laugh out of me.  The main players, while being very shallow characters, do enough to be appealing and you find yourself getting drawn in by their antics but they just never quite get there.  Emma Robert's rebellious teen girl is really the best of a just above average bunch.  I would really like Jennifer Aniston to stop trying so hard to be sexy though, the stripper angle is really unconvincing and detracted from what would have been a perfectly decent performance.  She is kind of responsible for the funniest moment in the whole movie, at the end, during an outtake reel.

The supporting characters are really just one note piles of pure cliche.  I honestly can not add more than that.  I could feel my mouth wanting to smile at some of the performances but, just like everything else about this film, it all missed the mark.

I am sure there will be enough people around who will find this movie funny, but when a series of outtakes are the funniest things in a feature length comedy then you know there is a problem.  I'd suggest waiting for this one to be a cheap rental.

In three words - Ha...errrrr, no

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