Thursday, September 5, 2013

Google's Android OS Sweet Tooth Goes Corporate

Next Android Version Is Called... Kit Kat - Gizmodo Australia

Developers of Google's mobile operating system have a reputation of looking at favourite treats when it comes to naming each new iteration.  We've seen honeycomb, gingerbread, ice cream sandwich and, for the current version, jelly bean.

Rumour was the next versions was going to go by the name "key lime pie" but apparently there were concerns that not enough end users would be aware of how tasty this treat could be (I found this recipe if you're curious) so a meeting of minds was quickly convened to find a suitable alternative.

They chose... Kit Kat.

The calls have already been made and Nestle has agreed to let Google use the name.  It has also been confirmed that Google is not paying for the use of the name.  If anything it looks like Google is getting the better deal since Nestle will be releasing a special Android themed Kit Kat wrapper to go alongside the new OS.

The big concern here is that Nestle will not want the name of one of their more popular products damaged, and with Android being the most open of the mobile OS flavours you have to wonder what the reaction might be if a particularly controversial app gets media attention.  However with confirmation that Android activations have now crossed the one billion mark maybe Nestle hope that a significant percentage of users will feel compelled to pick up a tasty chocolate treat a bit more often.

At the moment all we can do is take a wait and see approach and hope that the new sweet theme for Android won't cause too many stomach aches.

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