Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy 50th To The Humble Cassette Tape

The Audio Cassette Turns 50 - Gizmodo Australia

Wow, this is a pretty impressive anniversary.  The audio cassette tape may be well and truly outdated with the dominance of CD and digital music but for many it is considered a very important piece of technology.

The mix-tape played a very important role in my adolescent/young adult attempts at romance, trying to perfectly balance the songs I wanted to impress the object of my desire against the length of said songs to fill the available space perfectly.  Through the advent of portable players like the ubiquitous Walkman many also got their first taste of portable music and I am sure many of us had the pain of a sudden blurring of music and the associated sinking feeling of finding a length of mangle tape twisted around the heads of the player.

Even though the cassette tape is well and truly outdated it is not forgotten.  There are a number of mobile apps that give your phone the appearance of a tape deck and even services that provide a small mp3 player contained within a cassette casing for the express purpose of creating a digital mix-tape with that old school feel.

This wonderful anniversary has given me the urge to dust off the old tape deck and dig in the depths of the cupboard for the collection of tapes lurking in the dark recesses for some of the old favourites.  The only thing stopping me is the almost certain result of having to carefully untangle the tape from the player and wind it back into the cassette via the old school pencil through the spool trick.  So instead I will leave you with a taste of one of the most memorable scenes of the immortal cassette tape in action (I tried to find a longer clip).

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