Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kids Movie Review - The Croods

The Croods seems to have one main aim, to be a very big story about discovery, of places, of others and of the self.  The spectacular vistas and some very fast paced sequences definitely aim straight for the eyeball.  The question is can it take it further and fire up the brain cells?

The Croods are introduced as a family of cavemen, literally.  Their entire lives are based on hiding in a cave from the dangers outside, both real and imagined.  Of course there is one member of the family not entirely satisfied with this situation, the rebellious daughter, Eep (Emma Stone).  After an argument with her father, Grug (Nicolas Cage), Eep sneaks out of the cave one night after seeing a mysterious light and soon stumbles across Guy (Ryan Reynolds) and  his sloth sidekick, Belt.  Guy tells her that the world is ending and their only hope is to get to a distant mountain, and after their cave is destroyed the Croods have no choice but to make the journey.

This movie certainly has a lot of personality.  True it is only from a few of the characters but they certainly do enough to hold the movie and keep it going.  Notorious scene chewer Nicolas Cage is surprisingly low key throughout the film as the over cautious father desperate to keep his family safe and Ryan Reynolds only seems to hold interest as a character used to motivate the rest of the gang, if it wasn't for Belt (voiced by Chris Sanders) then Guy would have next to no personality.

This is a movie that has a selection of stand out scenes, and it needs them to keep the interest going.  While there are plenty of laughs to be had from several slapstick sequences there are sections that just don't seem to hold much interest.  Luckily they are fairly short and there is always something ridiculous or spectacular just around the corner.

All up I'd say The Croods is solid family entertainment.  It has the compulsory jokes aimed at the adults and plenty of laughs for the kids.  The scenery is spectacular and each character's journey ties in well with the rest.  The Croods is certainly worth a watch.

In a word - Da-da-daaaaa

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