Saturday, July 6, 2013

Clever Geek Of The Week

Local News Uncovers Shocking Adult Content In LittleBigPlanet 2 - Kotaku Australia

Ah the USA, such a great source of balanced content and non-sensationalist news stories.  So imagine my shock to find out that Little Big Planet 2 has... **gasp**... adult content.  Apparently a dude in his late teens was playing the game with his younger siblings and came across graphic content of a character performing a lewd act, while some very refined and anonymous user with a headset yelled obscenities.  Of course he immediately turned off the TV and reported it, after he recorded a video of it on his smartphone.

To be fair, at the end of the story there is some common sense guidelines to help out parents when their kids are playing games, particularly ones with online capabilities and user generated content.  This almost makes up for the interviewer asking the station's very own "Game Guy", Barry White if this is something a sexual predator would use.

So, to the news writers at California's News10 service, I salute you and hereby award you The Clever Geek of the Week Award.

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