Thursday, May 30, 2013

KOTOR goes mobile

KOTOR Is Coming To The iPad

This news is a mixed blessing. The idea of such a classic title hitting mobile devices is an awesome step forward for mobile gaming. Unfortunately it's iDevice only at this stage.

Knights Of The Old Republic is a landmark game. Not only was it a revolutionary Star Wars game it also helped establish Bioware as a game developer to pay attention to. Playing KOTOR you can tell it is the great grandparent of the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series and also pioneered the good/evil moral choice system.

Whether the developer of the mobile version only develop for Apple or there is some sort of exclusivity deal attached it is almost criminal that the potential audience for the re-release is being limited to only one portion of the market.

If you haven't played this game and you have an iPad then I would highly recommend you grab this for some epic sci-fi adventure.

And to the developers, bring this to Android!

UPDATE:  And here is the Kotaku review (since I can't review it myself)

Knights Of The Old Republic - Kotaku review

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