Thursday, May 30, 2013

Iron Man 3

I realise my previous review didn't really start the blog off on a very positive note so I thought I'd follow up with something a bit better (which really isn't much of a challenge).

I had my doubts about the continuing adventures of Tony Stark especially after the climactic events of The Avengers but thankfully the tin man came through.

Following on from The Avengers we see Robert Downey Junior's character trying to move on from the events in New York while essentially suffering from PTSD.  This isn't helped with the arrival of the mysterious Mandarin who appears to be orchestrating terrorist attacks against America.

Tony Stark is essentially stripped of most of his resources and this is where the movie starts to shine.  It gives open licence to show just how intelligent and ingenious Tony is as he uses any available resource to strike back.

Ben Kingsley however really steals the show.  His portrayal of The Mandarin really needs to be seen, especially because any in depth description of his performance would also contain the sort of spoilers that would see me tackled in the street.

Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts also really picks up in this movie.  It is safe to say I have found her character and performance in the previous films not that enjoyable but she really rises to the challenge this time around.

This is a great movie, with a great cast giving great performances.

In a word, watch!

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