Thursday, January 7, 2016

s02e20 - The Rufus Project Redeeming Features Cast: Batman and Robin (1997)

Kristian and Trevor take on the challenge of redeeming Batman and Robin from 1997.  After redeeming a sequel considered to be a franchise killer last time, can we do it a again with the bat-nipple-tastic George Clooney Batman movie?

Is Batgirl's suit as anatomically correct as the Batman and Robins?  Does Arnold Schwarzenegger have any lines that aren't puns?  Does Poison Ivy's venom extend beyond the screen and affect the audience?  Is this movie redeemable?

Listen on and find out!

Did we miss any redeeming features?  Do you think we were too generous or unfair?  Do you have a suggestion, or a challenge, for us to take on in the future?  Then get in touch with us by either leaving a comment on the podcast pageFacebook or Twitter, or email us at

Want to know more about Jurassic Park III?
Batman and Robin trailer

**Fine print**
Opening theme sampled from The Jumpin' Jive - Van Alexander Orchestra (1939), available under public domain at The Internet Archive
Original lyrics and questionable singing by Trevor Holland

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