Sunday, January 26, 2014

Clever Geek Of The Week

Mystery as HarperCollins Hits Apple With Agatha Christie Piracy Claims - TorrentFreak

It's no secret that Google is regular sent requests to have search results removed if they allegedly link to less than official copies of media (in fact they removed over 5 million results in the last week of September 2013) but, luckily for HaperCollins, it isn't done blindly and without proper consideration.

You see, HarperCollins is the rights holder of the very popular books of Agatha Christie and, considering they would have paid a very pretty penny, they are very protective of their investment.  So much so they sent a request to have Google take down about 1,000 links they said clicked through to infringing copies.  Google ended up complying with about 90% of the request.  The majority of the remaining "illicit links" actually pointed to iTunes and the official copies that HarperCollins would in fact benefit from!

The most outstanding request relates to three ebooks that are currently is pre-release and not expected to be available until March this year!

So, HarperCollins, for be so zealous and forthright in your attempts to protect your copyright, for going to the extent of actually asking for ebooks you are officially selling to be removed from Google results and particularly for wanting to wipe results for ebooks you are hoping to sell in a few months time I hereby award you with this weeks Clever Geek Of The Week award.

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