Friday, December 27, 2013

Iron Maiden Tracks Down Pirates, Rakes In The Profits Without Suing Anyone

Iron Maiden's Chasing Down Pirates And Making Bank Off Them - Gizmodo Australia

In a refreshing take on the battle against music piracy the classic rock band Iron Maiden has stepped up to the plate and taken a very refreshing approach.

After studying analytics about where their music was most downloaded (South America incidentally) instead of calling the lawyers the band instead got in touch with their tour manager.

Iron Maiden played a series of concerts where the copyright infringing downloaders were most prevalent and proceeded to rake in millions (yes, millions) of dollars including a take of $US2.5 million for one concert in Sao Paulo.

Given the rather small amount that makes it to the artist from CD and digital music sales I'd say this move has more than made up for any potential losses from illicit downloads and has also cemented the band's ongoing popularity in Brazil and its Latin American neighbours.

Now, if a band that has been around for almost 40 years can work out how to make music piracy work for them why the hell is it so hard for the major record labels?

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