Sunday, December 29, 2013

Clever Geek Of The Week Of The Year

Yep, since we are now coming up to the end of the year it is time to look back on the outstanding efforts of the cleverest geeks around and determine who is the winner of the inaugural Rufus Reviews Clever Geek Of The Week Of The Year award (or RRCGOTWOTY award to make things easier).

If you need a refresher head to this nicely presorted list of stories and have a read.  It's okay, I'll wait...

All done?

Then let's proceed.

This has not been an easy choice to make.  We have stupid choices, poorly researched stories and just plain ignorant shenanigans.  It was a photo finish guys, but by carefully analysing frame by frame I can safely say one did indeed win by a nose...

Join me in congratulating... (fanfare please)

The man who stole a computer from his local church then called the porn blocking company to have their software removed.

What better way to reward this astoundingly stupid gentleman than with a facepalm picture made up of over 700 facepalms...

So let's all join in congratulating this man for winning the first ever RRCGOTWOTY Award.

Well done, you complete twit!

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