Friday, November 1, 2013

Steam Is Out Gaming Xbox Live

A major milestone for PC gaming has just been achieved.  Steam, the premier digital games store for PC (and making inroads into Linux and Mac territory) now has more subscribers than Xbox Live. With over 65 million subscribers (up 30% from last year) to scream for mercy when the Steam sales come around.

Xbox live is currently tracking at the 48 million mark, while Sony's free Playstation Network is still the leader of the pack at 110 million (probably helped by people like me who have accounts based in Australia, US and the UK just to make sure I can access all the contents!).

With the impending launch of SteamOS and Valve's plan to have its digital store and game launcher invade your living room with dedicated hardware to go along with the new console beasts from Microsoft and Sony it looks like 2014 is going to be quite the competitive year for your gaming dollar.

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