Sunday, October 20, 2013

IGEA's Annual Digital Australia Report Telling Us What Everyone (Except The Classification Board) Knows

The Typical Australian Gamer Is 32 Years Old - Kotaku Australia

The IGEA (Interactive Games and Entertainment Association) has released a lovely little infographic showing the results of it's latest survey, and unsurprisingly it shows the age of the average gamer is increasing as well as an increase in parents who play games with their kids.

As for the tidal wave of depravity and filth that was expected (well by the Australian Christian Lobby at least) when our watered down R18 rating was introduced the majority of game purchases fall withing the G and PG ratings.

With the average gamer now being 32 years old, and a great indication of parental involvement in their children's game playing it is hard to ignore that people are making sensible, responsible choices when it comes to making sure children are not exposed to inappropriate content.

The average Australian gamer is all grown up, can we please stop watering down our adult rating now.  We are all "thinking of the children".

If you want to have a closer look at the stats, then head over here.

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