Saturday, October 19, 2013

Clever Geek Of The Week

British Newspaper Mistakes Deus Ex For Real Life - Kotaku Australia

I'll admit straight up that this is a bit of a stretch since the newspaper I am putting up for this week's award is The Sun, a British Tabloid known more for buxom vixens on page 3 than actual journalism.  It doesn't make the story any less dumb though.

So, while reporting on computerised human implants (and correctly referring to two individuals who have some pretty advanced tech sitting inside them) the author of the story referred to a US firm known as Sarif Industries and their work on a cybernetic eye (pictured above).  The only problem is the company and the alleged product only exist in the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

So to the author of this wonderful story I hereby award you this week's "Clever Geek of the Week" award.

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