Sunday, September 1, 2013

Progress Report - Saints Row 4

This is a continuation of my first impressions of Saints Row 4 article.

Well I am still pushing through the Matrix-esque world of the Saints and still enjoying the game.  I am making very slow progress through the story though due to the optional side missions.  The repetition of these tasks can get a little on the wearing side, however the rewards and bonuses for completing them definitely helps you push through and as they usually feature side tasks it also helps your overall completion percentage significantly.

Speaking of optional missions, as you rescue your homies from the clutches of the tyrannical alien overlord Zinyak you get the option of completing "loyalty missions".  These are usually pretty generous with cash and xp but the main gain is the supporting character also gains superpowers for when you call on them to help you out in the simulated city.  Incidentally, it's the Shaundi loyalty mission that earned SR4 it's refused classification in Australia, and yes I have completed it.

Essentially the section that Australian adults are too sensitive to experience without immediately craving the hardest drugs they can find sees the main character head out with two versions of Shaundi (I can't explain that without spoilers) to track down some "alien narcotics" that boost superpowers.  Remember these powers only exist within the computer simulation where the majority of the game is set ands by this stage your character's powers are well and truly established.  We are entertained to a couple of scenes showing the drugs being taken but when the "boost" kicks in it gives the support characters powers but doesn't actually impact those that the main player character already has... it's implied that it does, but again, there is no actual increase in the powers of the main character!

Don't worry if you are concerned about the horrible personal temptation the above mission may bring into your life.  Thanks the the Australian Classification Board this OPTIONAL mission has been removed from the Australian version of the game.  True you still have to wait a couple of weeks to buy your bubble wrapped version, but at least you will be kept safe.  Incidentally, that anal probe weapon will be available in with local copies depending on the DLC you purchase.

Anyway, back to the game.  The missions are suitably insane and the current batch of story related content is focused on getting the rest of the Saints out of their own simulated realities and into your home base to help you out.  Deep Silver certainly hasn't skimped on content since everything you do seems to unlock multiple missions, both story related and optional.

The superpowers are fun and I am finding I only used a weapon or jump in a vehicle when it is necessary.  After a few upgrades the problem of travelling across the map turns into a joy as you sprint, climb and glide at incredible speed.  The only things that slow you down are the many collectables and nodes (required to upgrade powers) scattered everywhere.  There are heaps of other activities to complete, but I'll let you discover them for yourselves.  Using powers in combat is tricky enough that pulling off a spectacular move is always satisfying without being overly frustrating.  You'll definitely find some powers that you'll hardly use, but I recommend sticking with telekinesis even though it seems a bit underwhelming when you first get access to it.

This is a game that overcomes its flaws by just making it worth your while to push through the low points and is just plain stupid fun the rest of the time.  I'm still laughing at a lot of the gags, even some that I have seen a few times now.  The option to "romance" your crew presents some absolute laugh out loud moments and some strangely touching ones too, with the exception of Keith David.  Why won't you let me love you Keith David?

The scary thing is I still feel that there is more I need to see before I can put the lid on any sort of review of the game.  I am however still very happy to recommend it based on what I have seen so far.

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