Monday, September 23, 2013

Foxtel Announces Its Own "Netflix Style" Service

Foxtel Outs Its Own Netflix-Style Movie Streaming Service - Gizmodo Australia

Foxtel today announce a new streaming service called Presto in what appears, at first glance anyways, an attempt to preempt any attempt of services like Netflix to get into the Australian market.  So are they going about it the right way?

Hell no!

First up is the cost.  The going price is $24.99 a month which will give you access to Foxtel's seven movie channels and on-demand titles.  First up it is possible to set up access to Netflix and Hulu through a paid DNS service and still have change from $25 but there are a couple of other items not mentioned in the story above.

According to Tech World the bulk of the streaming will be mirroring the normal Foxtel broadcast, without the benefit of the IQ box, which means if there is a movie you want to watch you better be ready to watch it at the scheduled time.  Additionally they mention that the on-demand content will require further cost per movie you want to watch.

So not so much a Netflix style service, more a limited (and still overpriced) Foxtel style service.  Yet again Australians are expected to pay more for a vastly inferior service.

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