Sunday, September 22, 2013

Clever Geek Of The Week

News Anchor Mistakes Stack Of Paper For iPad During Entire Broadcast - Gizmodo Australia

Well this weeks Clever Geek may be a news presenter, but at least he's not from the US.

BBC news anchor Simon McCoy went to do a live piece and just before airtime reached for his trusty prop iPad.  Unfortunately he wasn't really looking at what he was doing and instead faced the cameras holding a ream of A4 paper.

In the fine showbusiness tradition of "the show must go on" instead of acknowledging his mistake and grabbing the correct prop or quickly disposing of the old school information presentation object he continued with the broadcast with paper firmly grasped in his hands.

Special mention go to the crew for insisting on a full length shot of Mr McCoy throughout the segment.

So Simon McCoy, for somehow mistaking a ream of printer paper for an iPad, I hereby present you with this week's "Clever Geek of the Week" award.

The video at the above link isn't working, so you may want to check out the story on the Guardian website as well.

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