Wednesday, September 4, 2013

100 Posts And A Shameless Plug

Yes, it's true. You are reading my 100th post on this fine blog.

To celebrate this momentous occasion I am partaking in some shameless self promotion of some exciting updates to this fine literary endeavour.

It is now easier for you to get updates when new stories and reviews are posted. 

All you have to do is like or follow me at and you will always be up to date with reviews and the geek news highlights.  Of course you can still subscribe via Google+ or your favourite RSS reader.

Make sure you do because there is a heap of good stuff coming over the next few days  that you won't want to miss, and if you like what you read then please share via your social media medium of choice.

This is still a bit of a work in progress so for all my old posts you'll still need to head to

And now, back to our normal programming.

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