Friday, August 2, 2013

Movie Review - RED 2

RED 2 is the sequel to, funnily enough, 2010s RED which was quite an entertaining movie about retired secret agents getting reluctantly dragged back into action and doing what they do best.  So is this a case of sequelitis or does RED 2 stand up as its own experience.

RED 2 sees Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) trying to settle down with girlfriend Sarah (Mary-Louise Parker) and most importantly keep her safe.  When one of his friends from the first movie, Marvin (John Malkovich) tries to warn him that trouble is coming Frank again has to fight for his life.

For those who don't know RED stands for "Retired, Extremely Dangerous", a term coined for the most deadly secret agents who have ever been, and when these agents are being played by the likes of Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren and Anthony Hopkins well it makes it hard for this to be that bad of a movie.  At the beginning it really feels like it's trying too hard to top the original and some of the early sequences do suffer a little, but after a short time it starts to find it's feet and heads into rather silly international intrigue.  A lot of what happens is pretty far fetched and the characters themselves get a little contradictory at times, like Han Cho Bai (Byung-hun Lee) originally being shown as a subtle and very intelligent character in his first seen yet ends up being one of the most casually violent characters in the movie.   But this movie is really about taking you on a rollercoaster ride.  Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren really add a lot of class to proceedings and the twists and turns are occasionally surprising.

It's also refreshing that Willis doesn't do any "I'm too old for this" gags anywhere in the entire movie.  It seems that worn out cliche is being left in the travesty of Die Hard 5, thank goodness.

RED 2 may raise concerns at the very start, but soon settles down into an enjoyable, and often funny, action romp.  The two leads don't add much but with a supporting casts full of fantastic actors taking up the slack it really ends up being better than the sum of it's parts.  Just don't think too much about it.

In a word - BOOM!

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