Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Is It Now The Xbox 270?

Kinect No Longer Mandatory For Xbox One (But Will Still Come With It) - Kotaku Australia

Remember when the Xbox One launched and Microsoft said that all the innovative features were integral to the new consoles operation?  Well apparently neither does Microsoft.

We thought they were done after removing the requirement to check in online every 24 hours to play games and allowing unrestricted use of used games but now they have decided to remove the requirement to have Kinect always connected to the console.

With detractors claiming compulsory Kinect attachment will be responsible for pushing the machine further into the casual market or will allow the NSA to remotely activate it to secretly monitor everything you are doing (seriously, google it, I'm surprised noone has said that Kinect 2 can detach itself and sneak into your bedroom to watch you sleep) you'd think this announcement would have been met with much rejoicing...

No, it hasn't.

Again, much like the previous backdowns, we suddenly have a vocal contingent of would be fans bemoaning the loss of further Xbox innovation.  I am sure if Microsoft had seen sufficient positive responses out there then the outcome may have been more of a compromise.  If you support these sorts of changes then you need to voice that support and let the company know.

Of course it's not too late for those hoping to get their remote surveillance, I mean, Kinect 2 innovative functionality back.  The Xbox One is still an online console and Microsoft will be able to push through updates that can easily reinstate any of the functionality original promised.

I still think the original plan went too far and took too much away from the end user.  Here's hoping a more thoughtful and gradual reinstatement of some of the features with less focus on taking away notions of actual consumer game ownership can bring everyone to a satisfying middle ground.

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