Monday, August 26, 2013

Could We Be Seeing An Aussie Netflix Rival? Probably Not

Aussie TV Networks Reportedly Working On A Netflix Rival - Gizmodo Australia

A new report has come out stating that Australia's Channel 7 and Channel 9 are working on a joint online TV service to allow them to lock their premium Australian content (I almost kept a straight face there) so that should interlopers like Netflix or Hulu actually launch here they won't be able to pick up the content that us Aussie's love so much without paying a significant price.

The only show confirmed so far is Channel 7's most popular choice with it's own catch up service... Home and Away... I'm speechless.

Incidentally I have checked the Plus7 service and out of approximately 50 shows that are available, about 6 of them are Australian and Home and Away is the only one that is not a lifestyle show or a local version of a US reality show.

No news yet on whether this will be a full on subscription service with full seasons, or just a snazzier version of the current catch up services already available.  There is no doubt that Australian online viewing options need to be drastically improved, but to compare this to Netflix is simply ludicrous.

I'll keep an eye out for any updates to this story, but in the meantime... does anyone want me to write up a guide on accessing Netflix and Hulu in Australia?

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