Saturday, August 17, 2013

Clever Geek Of The Week

Oh American news, why do you make it so difficult for me to ignore your antics.

According to this weeks informed debate on CBNC's The Kudlow Report, Call Of Duty, and just Call Of Duty, is causing men to stay inside and lose all their social skills. This has been backed up with some amazingly unjustified figures implying that an equivalent of 2.85 millions years worth of game time has been spent by guys locked in a basement somewhere.  

So who is best expert to talk about this this drain on America's social life and economy...  A random blonde from a dating website.  It is just so much of a solo activity (I guess she hasn't heard of multiplayer) that it causes a horrible disconnection from reality.  Apparently it wouldn't be happening if they spent more time using dating websites and socialising on Facebook!

The counter point by one of CBNC's own "reporters" is just as convincing, if slightly saner.  It's just a way to spend some spare time. It boils down to 'We're Americans and it's our god given right to procrastinate however we want!' 

So for these wonderful insights I present these fine folks with a communal Clever Geek Of The Week award.

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