Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Classic Movie Review - Shaun Of The Dead

I got my hands on the Cornetto Trilogy soundtracks (which are fantastic by the way) and they awoke an irresistible compulsion to revisit the first two movies while I wait (im)patiently for the bluray release of The World's End.

First off the rank was Shaun Of The Dead which introduced many to the great dynamic between Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as well as the directorial stylings of Edgar Wright.

Shaun Of The Dead sees Shaun (Simon Pegg) dealing with a dead end job, a loser best friend Ed (Nick Frost), relationship issues with his girlfriend Liz (Kate Ashfield) and stepfather Philip (Bill Nighy). Into this mix he gets thrust head first into a zombie apocalypse.

What raises SOTD above being another zombie flick is the great interaction between characters backed up by fantastic performances by all involved. The jokes come through steadily and are wonderfully funny even after multiple viewings. The humour also provides a counter point to when the movie descends into full horror mode. Throw in some genuinely poignant emotional moments and you have the recipe for an incredible viewing experience.

It doesn't shy away from drawing a parallel between everyday behaviour and zombie style characteristics. There is also much humour to be found with the character's interactions with the living dead.
There is some unconvincing zombie fighting action along the way but ultimately this is a movie about self discovery and relationships, and it does a damn fine job.

If you haven't seen Shaun Of The Dead yet then you need to rectify that as soon as possible. Not only is it the finest British zombie horror romance comedy out there it is also one of the best zombie movies of all time.

In a word - errrhhh

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