Saturday, August 24, 2013

Awesome Geek Of The Week

A Guy Hacked Mark Zuckerberg's Wall After Facebook Ignored His Bug Report - Gizmodo Australia

A gentlemen, and white hat hacker, named Khalil discovered a flaw in Facebook that would allow a user to hack into and post on any other users wall.  Being a good guy hacker he collected all the appropriate evidence and submitted a bug report to Facebook to help protect the privacy of users.

After hearing nothing he followed it up to get a wonderfully considered response... "I am sorry this is not a bug".

Now Khalil could have left it there but in an effort to ensure the security hole was fixed he hacked into Mark Zuckerberg's wall and posted a very apologetic comment about the bug and the poor response from the Facebook team.  Funnily enough he got a very quick response confirming the bug was being looked into it and that his account was being temporarily blocked "as a precaution".

Identifying an exploit in Facebook can net the discoverer a $500 reward, but when Khalil received confirmation that the bug had been fixed and his account had been unblocked he was also advised that as he had violated Facebook's terms and conditions by using the exploit to impact real users he was not eligible for the reward.

If anyone deserves a reward it's this guy.  He stepped up and made sure Facebook was a bit more secure and also showed that someone's arse needs to be kicked in the team that deals with bug reports.

So Khalil, for stepping up and going the extra step to protect Facebook users I hereby award with this week's Awesome Geek Of The Week.

This seemed the most appropriate thumbs up

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