Monday, August 5, 2013

And The Saints Row IV Debacle Gets Even More Ridiculous...

Australia's Edited Saints Row IV Is Incompatible With Other Versions Of The Game - Kotaku Australia

As reported by our good friends at Kotaku Australia it has now been revealed that our custom censored version of SR4 is modified in such a way that it will not be compatible with the unmodified versions available for the rest of the world.  That means if you you want to play multiplayer with anyone outside of Australia (or indeed anyone in Australia who imported a copy) then too bad.

Yep, not only are we back in a situation where the rest of the gaming world is looking at us with everything from sympathy to outright contempt, we're also effectively getting quarantined!

Whether you have any interest in this game or not, it's hard to ignore just how appallingly gamers are still considered in Australia, even with a token R18+ rating to allow for "greater flexibility".  Between publishers squeezing us for every extra dollar and our own government refusing to believe that there is an ever growing contingent of adult, and eligible to vote, gamers is it any wonder that I (and many others) have nearly 0% incentive or desire to support local retailers.

Adult gamers are responsible gamers.  Gamer parents have much greater capability and knowledge when it comes to ensuring their children access appropriate content.  Over zealous censorship of games intended for adults is pointless, stupid and just plain offensive.

Guess it's time to dig out that list of MPs and put the lobbying shoes back on.

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