Sunday, June 9, 2013

Warm Bodies - Movie Review

I finally caught up with Warm Bodies the other night and to be honest I approached it with minimal expectations.  I am happy to say I was pleasantly surprised.

Warm Bodies sees a zombie named R (Nicholas Hoult) in an airport full of zombies.  We are entertained by his internal monologue as he explains what it is like to be a zombie and his feelings and thoughts about those around him.  The other main protagonist, Julie (Teresa Palmer), who is the daughter to the militant Grigio (John Malkovich) who is the leader of walled off camp where the remaining human survivors live.

Julie sets off on a scavenging mission where a zombie attack kills most of the group and R kills Julie's boyfriend.  Here we learn that zombies eat brains because it gives them access to the memories and feelings of their victims.  Upon consuming this tasty treat R becomes obsessed with keeping Julie safe and their developing friendship has some pretty major consequences.

This is a movie of mixed qualities.  Much of the self referential inner dialogue with R at the start gives the movie a light hearted, whimsical feel which gives it a nice fresh feeling when compared to other zombie flicks.     Much of the early scenes are almost entirely focused on R and Julie, making it almost seem like a two character show, which both provides some of the film's more subtle moments and some of the least engaging.  However later in the piece when the "Bonies" (zombies that have wasted away so much that they appear skeletal) start making their presence felt we start heading into more traditional horror territory.  The swing between the light and fluffy and some particularly dark scenes can be a little jarring but overall the film flows quite well.  There are also a few scenes that really play with the concept, including one quite good gag if you think about another R & J couple popularised in more than a few movies.

Overall Warm Bodies is harmless, if a little unsteady, fun.  Some of the horror scenes would certainly put it in the mid to upper teen category though.  So if you are after a romantic comedy with a hell of a twist you should find quite a bit to enjoy with this one.

In a word - Raaaar

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