Saturday, June 29, 2013

Clever Geek of the Week

Tony Abbott: Malcolm Turnbull Invented The Internet In Australia - Gizmodo Australia

One of Australia's entrants in the current season of "Who Wants to be the next PM?" came out with a wonderful quote this week.  He said "We have a strong and credible broadband policy because the man who devised it, the man who will implement it virtually invented the internet in this country.  Thank you so much, Malcolm Turnbull."...

Hmmm, for those who don't know Malcolm Turnbull's only link to the internet in Australia was that he invested $500,000 in a little company called OzEmail, which was arguably one of the game changers for internet services in Australia, back in 1994 (the company was founded in 1992) and then later sold off his stake in the company for something like $57 million dollars in 1999.  So it would be more accurate to say that when internet usage uptake skyrocketed in Australia he profited immensely from someone elses work.

There is some argument that Mr Abbott said the above quote as attempted humour.  If that is the case then at least three quarters of his audience at the time still took it at face value.  It pretty much shows that politicians should only be allowed to discuss matters internet when they actually know what they are talking about.

So Tony Abbott, for making such a grossly misleading statement about internet in Australia which a large number of your supporters took seriously, I hereby award you with the "Clever Geek of the Week" award.

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