Saturday, June 15, 2013

Clever Geek Of The Week

While on a visit to the Confucius temple as part of a holiday to Nanjing a man got separated from his wife and three month child.  The very distraught woman first went to check with the front office of the Temple but after several hours called the police.  

The temple was searched and still no sign of the man.

When questioned about whether her husband had any friends or relatives in Nanjing, and what his usual habits were, the incredibly upset wife let them know that he enjoyed video games.

A sweep of the area located him in a nearby arcade, playing games, where he had lost track of time.

The man was let off with a warning and a very strong suggestion that he perhaps pay more attention to his family rather than games.  The report does not say what his wife had to say to him when he was found, on the way home or at home, or if indeed she is still his wife.

So, for being a game addicted, sorry excuse for a husband and father I award this gentlemen the Clever Geek of the Week award.

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