Saturday, June 1, 2013

Clever Geek of the Week!

Blind date robbers strike again

A couple of Silicon Valley resident's have been taken to the cleaners after setting up what they thought would be a kinky night of fantasy shenanigans.

The gentlemen in question each made arrangements over an unnamed dating website where to meet up with a lady at a local hotel for a bit of rumpy pumpy.  They were also asked to bring $2,000 in cash to spread over the bed because she "always wanted to have sex on a pile of money".

Surprisingly enough when they rocked up, cash in hand, they were instead met by two gunmen who insisted they hand over the money along with any other valuables they had on their persons.

They may not have got laid, but they certainly got screwed.

Gentlemen, I hereby award you both the inaugural "Clever Geek" of the week award.

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