Saturday, June 22, 2013

Classic Movie Review - Ghostbusters

So with the youngest off at his Nanny and Poppy's I felt it was time to introduce the elder one (J) to a firm favourite from my youth, Ghostbusters.  Would this movie stack up to my own nostalgia (trust me, revisiting past faves has not always gone well for me, or the no longer favourites) and more importantly how would someone used to high quality CGI effects and animation react to something from the mysterious days of yore (1984).

For those who don't know the story... the one of who has been living in a shack, at the bottom of a cave, in the Antarctic...  Ghostbusters introduces us to Drs Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) and Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis), a team of university researchers studying the paranormal and, in particular, ghosts.  Their first true encounter with the spirit world gives them the information they need to catch and contain ghosts and, after being kicked out of the university, they set up business for themselves.

From the comical dialogue right through to the spectacular finale this movie still has it.  It kept us all thoroughly entertained and even though some of the effects do look very dated they do not detract from the overall joy of watching this masterpiece.  I was prepared for some awkward questions from J given there are a couple of brief scenes which hint at some more adult styled shenanigans and humour but they safely sailed over his head.

An honourable mention must also go to Ecto-1.  This car is right up there with the most iconic vehicles of all time.

I am very happy to say that Ghostbusters has easily stood the test of time.  And since the theme song is so well known we had the added bonus of J singing along and enthusiastically shouting "GHOSTBUSTERS" right on queue!  A very enjoyable, well acted, perfectly paced, exciting and extremely funny blast from the past that should hold up well into the future.  If by some chance you have never experienced the pleasure then rectify that, now, stop reading and go get it!

Okay, so you want to know what the expert thought then...

J (9) - "There was nothing bad about Ghostbusters, it was really good and funny"

Convinced now?  Good!

In a word - Nostalgia-proof.

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