Wednesday, June 19, 2013

BioShock Writer Given at Shot at Hollywood

Ken Levine Takes A Shot At Scripting Logan's Run - Kotaku Australia

Finally some remake news I find encouraging.

As noted above the Logan's Run remake (which has been on the cards since the mid-90's) is again underway, this time with Ken Levine given script writing duties by Warner Bros.

Ken Levine is the guy behind Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite (let's ignore Bioshock 2 okay) so when it comes to dystopian alternate worlds this guy has shown that he can handle it.

Before anyone worries about a computer game guy taking on "serious" writing duties try checking out "Prophet of Bones" by Ted Kosmatka who just happened to be one of the lead writers for Portal 2.  Hmm, Portal...

Anyway, back on topic.  If you haven't seen the original Logan's Run then firstly, why not, and secondly, check out the trailer below.

You know, I should really watch this movie again for my next classic movie review.

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